Early in the pandemic, I noticed that I was feeling like each day was both Groundhog’s day and also wildly unpredictable (hello, 4 kids at home).
I decided that I’d try a practice recommended in this article, one that I’ve sent many a client for its quick wisdom on habits that can keep us grounded when times get busy. I reached out to my client list and some friends and offered a Sunday morning ritual: 40 min (hello, free Zoom account) that included meditation for 15 or so and then time to just review the week – check the schedule, review the goals, plan the meals, whatever felt most useful. We’d wind up the calls with some intention setting – or even to ask for support we needed from the group.
Well,18 months later, this group is still meeting religiously. And not only that, we’ve done a couple retreats together – we noticed that around the change of seasons, we all felt we needed a little extra time to do some personal reflection and then the beautiful practice of being witnessed by each other in community.
That’s where the idea for the Pause Challenge was born… and where the Values Retreat being offered by Meagan Schultz (a regular Sunday morning attendee and master-of-online-gatherings) was conceived and offered.
Something beautiful happens, even in online gatherings, when we take time to reflect and relate.
Your chance to experience this is here:
Join the Pause Challenge Community – starts Wednesday, Dec 1! And when you Buy One you Get One – what a great gift to you and a friend as we enter into the busy-ness of December. Take some time each day this month to Reflect & Relate with us.
or… Spots open in Clarify. Kindle. Connect: A Values Retreat on Dec 19 from 8 – noon on Zoom (we upgraded to a paid account!) Get $50 off when you sign up by December 1 using code EARLYBIRD!

PS: Contemplating a weekday version of the Sunday morning ritual. Wondering who’d be interested – drop me a line if you’d be interested in trying it out!