You are shero material. 


I know it might not feel like that’s possible… after all, you landed here.  

You might be thinking: sheroes don’t need coaching!  They were born ready.  They are just naturally good at making things happen. They never feel stuck or fearful or indecisive or just plain meh.  And real sheroes have like a huge platform and loads of cash and can really influence the world around them for good. Who am I? 

False.  There’s a shero in each and every one of us.  We just gotta get out of our own way to put her to work! 

Over and over, I meet women who: 

  • have spent their whole lives adjusting to a world not designed for or ready for feminine leadership in its fullness. 
  • internalize and don’t question the parts of them that tell them what a “good girl” does and doesn’t do
  • go along with the roles defined for them millennia ago and who know it just doesn’t feel right for them
  • spend years and years of non-stop emotional and physical and mental labor caretaking and managing a household but who can’t see what value that would bring to a workplace
  • are rock-star leaders and humans who still feel like imposters at work because they have to prove their value over and over again
  • spend more time doing what other people expect them to do rather than doing what brings them to life
  • see huge problems in the world, know there is a better way, but feel powerless to make any change
  • are just plain worn out. 

Sound familiar? Well, let me tell you that it’s already changing for you because you are here.  That’s how change happens.  Small, consistent steps toward something different. 

That’s all coaching is – really getting clear on what you want, what’s in the way, and then taking small, consistent steps to get there.  Sounds simple, but it’s not easy… but I kid you not, I’ve seen coaching truly transform people… into who they actually are.   And that’s when life feels alive and full of ease – when how we spend our time is aligned with who we truly are meant to be. 

Who doesn’t want that?  I know I find it worth working on day after day, step by step! 

So…welcome.  I’m glad you are here… demonstrating the courage it takes to seek support.  No one needs to do this thing called life alone. 

I’m Shelly Roder and no one actually calls me She Ro, buuut… it my J Lo name. And, I’d like to think that makes me qualified to call myself your Shero Coach!

Other things that actually make me qualified for that are my 500+ hours coaching people like you, not to mention the 2 decades of practicing how to be more and more human (compassionate, loving, curious, creative) with other humans going through rough patches.  If you haven’t noticed (and I’m sure you have) this world is really tough on good people. And, by the way, we are all good people.

Whether you are someone who’s stuck in autopilot or just feeling bleh and not knowing where to start, coaching can jump start you into the life, work and relationships you always hoped to have.

Let’s make your next mission in life the best one yet.

I’d love to be your sidekick on your own shero’s journey.

Let’s get you from wherever you are to a place where you are making conscious, intentional actions to use your gifts to their fullest in a world that DESPERATELY needs them. 

Ready to leap? 

Yes? Great!!

Not ready? As matter of fact, that’s also great! See how good you are at knowing what you need?  That’s shero material RIGHT THERE. 🙂

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