Tempo Leadership Event Offers

“Be who you should be and you will set the world ablaze.”

-Catherine of Siena


We all want to live more intentionally, right?

But we’re just so busy, right? 

“Let me just get a few more things done, cross a few more things off my list, and THEN I’ll think about what it is I *really* want to do.”

Sound familiar? 

We tell ourselves we’ll get to the meaningful work one day, just as soon as … (insert excuse here). 


What if you could spend more of your time on the things that really light you up? 

What if you could pause, reflect,(re)connect, and (re)discover your own intentions? 


This winter, I’m teaming up with bona fide connection expert and friend, Meagan Schultz, to provide two special opportunities to get INTENTIONAL about getting INTENTIONAL!!

The 21 Day Pause Challenge is designed to help guide you toward more intentional living through a series of questions, prompts, challenges and daily reflections.

Each day we’ll invite you  to consider how you can choose to live with a purpose that lights YOU up!

Course can be taken in self-guided way for $45.

Course can be taken with guides and a community for support for $65.

READ MORE about the community challenge here!

The 21 Day Pause Challenge runs form December 1 – December 21… and yes, we know you’ll be busy… but that’s why this is a PAUSE challenge and not a TOTALLY STOP challenge.

Each day’s challenge will be to find small, creative and simple ways to incorporate intentionality into full lives. Conquer this challenge in December – and living with a sense of mindfulness and ease will be no problem in the New Year!

Tempo members: BUY ONE GET ONE OFFER!

(To get offer, sign up and then let me know the name and email address of the lucky recipient and they will be enrolled right away!)

Invite a friend, co-worker, sister or partner to this challenge with you – a great way to build in support for intentional living. And, what an incredible gift during the holiday season to invite your loved one to PAUSE with you.

Click here to enroll in the Community Challenge here!

A month of pause with kind and creative women is what I needed to brace myself for the holiday months and the end-of-year rush. The content was short, memorable and meaningful. I appreciate content and challenges that don’t ask me to change my life, but help me find everyday ways to embrace the life I have more fully.

Angie M, October Pause Challenge

Having content about the importance of pausing, resting, and playing front of mind really did help me navigate a very busy month. I also feel much more motivated to intentionally clear time in my schedule to rest and play moving forward. Thank you!

Laura H, October Pause Challenge

To get on the waiting list for a January start for this challenge, please email me.

Want to get away… while staying in curled up in your favorite spot at home?

Only 12 seats available in this a lovely morning of sharing, guided imagery, writing prompts, reflection time, and creativity focused on clarifying, kindling and connecting to our values:

  • what are our core values?
  • how do we live them?
  • how do we protect and nurture them?

Participants will come away with more clarity, focus and intention around how we choose to spend this one, precious life (RIP, Mary Oliver).

When: Coming soon… stay tuned!

Where: Your coziest zoom spot.

Cost per seat: $150. Includes lovely care package delivered to your door with all the materials you’ll need (plus some extras!)

To get on the waiting list for this retreat, please email me.

I left feeling more clarity and focus on the two areas of my life that need more focus right now: connection and creativity. Having a real focal point and narrowing it down to two key points was essential, as I had been spinning in circles of indecision on where to focus my time and energy for self improvement as as of late.

Clare P, HR Manager

I received a deep sense of self love and acceptance. My future self is amazing and I am her! Simply a younger, less experienced version. I feel more confident in releasing distraction to be present for the magic that is already present in my life.

Sara A, Yoga Teacher
An aside: Did you know there’s a labyrinth at Hartung Park in Mil-tosa?

Ready to fully commit to personal growth and well-being in 2022?

Set up an exploratory session to experience a free, full coaching session. See how powerful one-on-one coaching can be at creating clarity, finding perspective, and creating an action plan to LIGHT up your life and the world around you.

Premiere and Standard Coaching Packages booked by TEMPO members before November 30, 2021 will include as FREE BONUS Gifts:

  • Free access to the Pause Challenge – $65 value!
  • A free seat in the Clarify. Kindle. Connect. Retreat -a $150 value

Coaching Packages start at $750 and include:

  • Invitation to bi-weekly mindfulness and action plan accountability session (on Zoom)
  • Email support between sessions as needed 
  • Micro Coaching Sessions for emergent needs
  • 20% discount on all workshops, retreats and challenges offered by Shelly Roder Coaching in 2022.

Most clients meet by Zoom or phone, though some of my most memorable sessions have been walking at County Parks or the Lakefront!

Call me at 414-238-3205 or schedule your complimentary exploratory session today!

As a PCC Level Coach, Shelly has more than 125 hours of coach training plus well over 500 hours of coaching experience. ICF coaches are held to a standard of ethics that is the best in the industry.

What Clients are saying about Shelly’s coaching:

I learned to slow down and think about the here and now. Shelly made me stop worrying about the past or become preoccupied with the future and had me make decisions about my life and how I wanted to live it today. She held me accountable to the things I said I would do.

H.U, activist and nonprofit leader

One last thing:

Shop Franciscan Peacemakers using code TEMPO to get 33% off all Bath + Body, including Candles like these til Nov. 30!