I’ve got some news.
And it’s been anywhere from 3 months to 3 years in the making, depending on how you count. And, wow, am I beaming just to announce it to you!
Coming next month… to earbuds near you:

Cream City Dreams:
A podcast shining light on Milwaukee women.
One dream at a time.
That’s right! My friend Meagan and I have been cooking up a podcast that is serving up stories from Milwaukee women who are doing brave things with their lives. Entrepreneurs. Artists. Activists. Community builders. Change makers. Go-getters.
Because if there’s one thing I love more than my community, it’s connecting to and cheering on the women being courageous and creative there!
Check out our website where you can hear the precise moment we we came up with the name, Cream City Dreams. And get a flavor for what the podcast is all about.
Make sure you subscribe to our newsletter so we can let you know when our podcast is available anywhere you get your podcasts – plus perks like early access before our launch day. It is going to be so fun!